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MICT manufactures and stocks a wide range of thermocouple, RTD and heating cables in both Imperial (inch) and Metric (millimeter) sizes.


Thermocouple cables are manufactured to meet the requirements specified in ASTM E585/E585M and IEC 1515, internationally recognized standards which specify the base metal thermocouple types. Emf outputs comply with ASTM E230/E230M and IEC 584-1; MICT classifies its thermocouple cables separately as meeting the calibration tolerances of ASTM E230/E230M and IEC 584-2. Thermocouple cable users should note that Emf tolerances on initial calibration are not identical between ASTM and IEC and care should be taken in specifying accuracies as "special", "standard", "class 1", or "class 2".


MICT's cables manufactured under ASTM E585/E585M may be used, with proper testing and documentation, in high reliability applications requiring compliance with ASTM E235.


MICT's RTD extension cables adhere to very high quality standards which ensure the best performance of finished IPRT (RTD) sensors which are required to comply with ASTM E1137/E1137M, an internationally recognized standard dealing with the manufacture and performance of industrial platinum resistance thermometers (IPRT).


Complete technical specifications for all of MICT's RTD extension cables are available and our sales staff has the knowledge and experience to help the user make a correct product selection. Factors to consider include cable diameter, number of wires, wire material, wire diameter, sheath material, sheath thickness, resistance balance, and MgO purity.


In general, most IPRT sensors will employ a 316L or Inconel 600 sheath, nickel or copper wires, and MgO more than 97% pure as temperature ratings are limited to less than 650 degrees Celcius.


All raw materials used in the manufacture of either MICT's thermocouple or RTD extension cables are of the highest quality and meet our own strict specifications as well as all industry standards. We provide full traceability of the raw materials used in each coil on the cable certificate which accompanies each shipment.


MICT currently holds a bulk cable certification with CSA Std. C22.2 No. 130-16 certificate #70119587 for Class 2872 01 and 2878 01 heaters and can supply a wide range of requirements specific to your projects in Incoloy 825. For products not requiring CSA certification, heating cable manufactured with an Inconel 600 or 316SS sheath is available. Low to high electrical resistance and cold lead options are available.


MICT has available the engineering capability, test equipment, procedures, and experience to design custom cables for special applications. Trials will often be necessary to verify design performance. Contact the sales department for assistance at your convenience.

Typical Chemistry of Magnesium Oxide (MgO) Insulation

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* High purity MgO conforms to ASTM E1652 Type 1 requirements

Cable Sheath Material Specifications

* 253MA and Incotherm Alloy TD® are NOT designated by an ASTM type number
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