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why choose mict?

Experience in the MI cable industry

MICT is committed to its customers and does not manufacture finished temperature probes. We simply do not compete in the temperature measurement industry against those whom we value so highly, our customers. Our only product is MI cable and all of our attention and efforts are concentrated on being the best manufacturer and supplier of MI cable in the world.


A company devoted exclusively to manufacturing MI cable for the OEM market

The senior managers of MICT bring over sixty years of MI cable experience to the company, in the key areas of R&D, purchasing, production, sales, and customer service. We understand both a customer's needs and problems, and can provide products and solutions based on a solid history of success in the MI business.


Powder filled and block filled products

MICT manufactures its cable using either MgO block insulators or MgO powder, depending on the requirements and design of the product. Powder filling is best suited to custom configurations; block filling provides improved conductor positioning and highly consistent compaction density. MICT is one of the few thermoelectric cable manufacturers in the world with the technology available to take advantage of either filling method.


Seamless cable sheaths

All of our cable products are manufactured from large diameter tube, guaranteeing a consistent sheath thickness, eliminating internal weld beads, and ensuring that sheath splitting will never be a problem.


A wide range of thermoelectric cable

We manufacture cable in a variety of sheath materials, calibrations, configurations, accuracies, and powder grades. Our standard range alone encompasses over thousands of products and an even larger number of specials are available by request. Just ask and we can probably supply it.


High quality cable products

MICT's cable is manufactured to the strict specifications of ASTM E585 using either standard grade or high purity MgO. For special purposes, including nuclear, cable with high purity powder insulation is manufactured to meet the requirements of ASTM E235.


Custom design capability

If you have a unique MI cable application, call us. Our cable designers have the knowledge, and our manufacturing processes have the flexibility, to provide innovative solutions to most any cable design problem. Our experience will show.


Very competitive prices

We are absolutely committed to providing the highest quality MI cable products at reasonable prices. Our raw material purchases, manufacturing processes, and administrative procedures are continuously monitored to ensure our costs stay in line so that even small savings can be passed on to our customers. Call us for a competitive quote and let us know what you think.


A commitment to superior customer service

We recognize that all the manufacturing capability in the world is meaningless unless we attend to our number one job: satisfying our customers. Everything else about our business follows; we really do believe: "If you have a problem, we have a problem". Call us to compare and let us know how we do; we want our service to be the best anywhere.

© 2023 MI Cable Technologies Inc.

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